Переводы песен Delain
- Army of Dolls
- Art Kills
- Beneath
- Burning bridges
- Chrysalis - the Last Breath
- Collars & Suits
- Come closer
- Creatures
- Dance with the devil
- Danse Macabre
- Frozen
- Ghost House Heart
- Go away
- Here Come the Vultures
- Hunter's Moon
- I'll Reach You
- Invidia
- Lullaby
- Masters of Destiny
- Mother Machine
- Moth to a Flame
- My Masquerade
- One Second
- Pendulum
- Scarlet
- Stay forever
- Suckerpunch
- Tainted hearts
- Tell Me, Mechanist
- The cold
- The Gathering
- The Glory And the Scum
- The Hurricane
- The reaping
- The Tragedy of the Commons
- This Silence Is Mine
- Turn the Lights Out
- Vengeance
- Your Body Is a Battleground