Переводы песен Nanowar
- (True) Metal Fart
- Burger
- Emerald Fork (Rhapsody Parody)
- Intrue
- King
- Lung of Steel (The Ballad of True Metal)
- Magic Warriors of True Metal (So Magic That We Laugh at Houdini)
- Metal-la-la-la
- Nanowar of Steel
- Number of a Bitch (Iron Maiden Parody)*
- Our (true) Metal So Strong 'cos Our Dick Is So Long
- Our True Metal Will Win
- Outrue
- Pino
- T.K.D.Y.N.S. (To Kill the Dragon You Need a Sword)
- The True Forest of the Only True Metal And the Other Heavy Minerals
- Too True Metal to Be True
- Tricycles of Steel
- Triumphant March of the Nano-Warrior
- True Metal of Steel
- You Think It Is My Chastity Belt, but They Are My (True) Metal Underpants