Переводы песен Weird Al Yankovic
- (This song's just) Six words long
- A Complicated Song
- Albuquerque
- Bob
- Bohemian polka
- Christmas at Ground Zero
- Don't Wear Those Shoes
- Don't download this song
- Eat it
- eBay
- Everything you know is wrong
- Fat
- First World Problems
- Foil
- Frank's 2000" TV
- Germs
- Good Enough for Now
- Good Old Days
- Handy
- Happy birthday
- I'll Sue Ya
- I'm So Sick of You
- I'll be mellow when I'm dead
- I Love Rocky Road
- Inactive
- It's all about the Pentiums
- I Want a New Duck
- I was only kidding
- Jackson Park Express
- Lame claim to fame
- Like a surgeon
- Livin' in the fridge
- Mission statement
- My Own Eyes
- Now that's what I call Polka!
- One more minute
- Party at the Leper Colony
- She Drives Like Crazy
- Since you've been gone
- Skipper Dan
- Slime Creatures from Outer Space
- Smells like Nirvana
- Sports song
- Stop Draggin' My Car Around
- Tacky*
- The check's in the mail
- The saga begins
- This Is the Life
- Traffic jam
- When I Was Your Age
- With my own eyes
- Word crimes
- Yoda
- You don't love me anymore