- ... A dish best served coldly
- All Hallow Eve
- Black № 1 (Little Miss Scare-All)
- Blood & Fire
- Creepy Green Light
- Dead again
- Die with Me
- Everything dies
- Gravity
- Green Man
- Hail and farewell to Britain
- Halloween in Heaven
- How could she?
- I Don't Wanna be
- I like goils
- Less than zero
- Life is killing me
- My girlfriend's girlfriend
- Paranoid
- Prelude to agony
- Red water (Christmas mourning)
- September sun
- She burned me down
- Some Stupid Tomorrow
- Suspended in Dusk
- Todd's Ship Gods (Above all things)
- Unsuccessfully coping with the natural beauty of infidelity
- White slavery
- Who will save the sane?
- Wolf Moon (Including Zoanthropic Paranoia)
- World coming down
- Xero Tolerance