Переводы песен Citizen Soldier
- Always December
- Bedroom ceiling
- Better place
- Black hole brain
- Broken like me
- Buried alive
- Dead-end life
- Death of me
- Easy's Never Been This Hard
- Empty Cup
- Everybody hates you
- Face to Face
- Forever damned
- Gunshot Lullabies
- Hand me down
- Hope It Haunts You
- Hospital bed
- If I surrender
- Isolate
- Just be happy
- Kill my memory
- Make Hate to Me
- Mess of me
- My Little Secret
- Never ending nightmare
- Never good enough
- Pandora's Box
- Pretend My Pain Away
- Reason to live
- Sacred
- Stronger than my storm
- Thank You for Hating Me
- The cage
- Therapy
- Unsaid
- Weight of the world
- Wired for worthless
- Words That Don't Exist
- Would anyone care